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May 7, 2019 by DeBigChief 0

WHAT IS stopping most healthy couples from getting pregnant is that they are not having intercourse at the right time – women must calculate their Ovulation dates correctly to get pregnant quickly.

Ovulation is a woman’s most fertile period – but you must not wait for it to happen first before having intercourse.

This is because after ovulation, an egg is only viable for about 24 hours – so if you are waiting until you ovulate to have intercourse, chances are you are going to miss the opportunity to get pregnant that month.

Ovulation takes place 14 days before you get your period, so when trying to get pregnant, a woman should keep an accurate menstrual calendar, tracking your period for at least two or three months prior to when you want to conceive.

Since sperm can live in your reproductive tract for up to 72 hours, doctors say having sex beginning at least three days before ovulation seriously increases your chance of conception.

It is best to start having sex a full five days before the expected ovulation date — this way even if you are off a day or two in calculating their ovulation, the fertilization will still occur.

It is better to have intercourse too early, than too late when you are trying to conceive.


KEEP an accurate calendar for a couple of months, marking down when your period arrives; DAY ONE is always the first day of bleeding

When you are ready to get pregnant use the calendar to predict when your next period will arrive, and simply count back 14 days from that date – that is your ovulation date.

14 Days before your next period is your ovulation day – the egg is released on this day.

You should begin having intercourse several days prior to that date.

WHAT IF IT IS STILL NOT WORKING – We have tried all above and still not pregnant?

So you say you are relaxed, you are having sex at all the right times and you still cannot get pregnant?

Try Pillow Therapy!

This involves propping your pelvis up on pillows after you have intercourse, and lying in bed for at least 20 to 30 minutes after sex, to facilitate the movement of sperm through your reproductive tract

Avoid this mistake:

Do not use lubricants – they can change the chemical balance and prevent pregnancy


Help you get pregnant by automatically monitoring your ovulation calendar; and it will remind you of the right period for your utmost fertility. This increases your chances of getting pregnant and removes the guesswork from calculating ovulation.

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